The Future can be anything you want. Let's make it bright!

So, I had been playing with a 3D printer for a while and just gotten a pair of lovely Leopard Geckos from a buddy.

He (the buddy, not the geckos) said, “Hey Stroodies, can you make me a water dish that crickets won’t drown in?”

This surprised me because my name wasn’t even Stroodies yet.

But I made him the Premium Leopard Gecko Water Dish anyways; drawing it while thinking about water as a Leopard Gecko might naturally expect to find it: A desert puddle drying in the heat, cracked mud disrupting its surface.

In testing the new design I again was surprised. Not only do the “pegs” keep crickets from drowning, but also the interrupted surface apparently speaks to leopard geckos in a way that an open surface of water does not. Many teenage Leopard Geckos will immediately approach and drink from our Premium Water Dish even after ignoring a regular water dish for years. No one knows exactly why—perhaps the interrupted surface suggests a shallowness and therefore a healthy absence of lurking predators. Whatever the reason, they love it!

So then, when my girlfriend asked for a calcium dish which can’t be flipped by geckos I dove straight in. First step, observation. We tried the common practice; put some Calcium Supplement in a water bottle cap and watch the lizard. All leopard geckos seem to follow basically the same behavior when exposed to a dish of powdered Calcium:

(1) Notice the Calcium and advance on it

(2) Taste the Calcium to see if it’s magnificent

(3) Take a bigger lick to confirm all of it tastes like crack

(4) Cross over to hunting instincts: strike the dish like a bug before it get’s away!

(5) Grab the rim, dump some Calcium in your mouth and wear the rest home.

All those steps are fine up til the “grab the rim” bit at the end. If your Leo can’t lift the dish then we’re cool. And so, I designed the shape of Stroodies Calcium Dishes to be un-graspable from the top. You pretty much gotta have fingernails to lift the dish from a smooth surface—and I’ve never met a Leo with nails!

At this point, it just sorta happened that I had two successful designs which my own pets loved while simultaneously I had no job… So I shared the Stroodies Premium Water Dish and Calcium Dish for sale on the internet.

You found me! You asked for more wonderful things, we listened. You tested new prototypes and told us what to improve, we made a list and checked it twice.

And lo, suddenly we’re a part of the Future! Working full-time from the internet to make geckos and humans happy. No but, like, really-really happy.

Welcome to the Future, we’re so glad to share this with you! It can be anything you want. With dreams and sails unfurled, let's explore everything forever and together make the Future bright!

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